Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

What do I want for my birthday?

If you want to help me celebrate this year, don’t buy me coffee or a card, or even take me to lunch—donate a dollar or two to the Chilean mission trip fund.

Twenty plus youth and adults (you figure out who is who) are traveling to Chile for ten days over Spring Break. We’ll help a Chilean congregation reach out to their neighbors with service projects and youth and kid-oriented Bible studies. For the last year and a half we’ve been planning, raising money, and practicing our Spanish. And now, we’re almost ready to go!

What’s my stake in this? Help guide these American young people into what I believe can be one of the most transformational experiences possible. You who know me well, know I believe in the utmost importance of getting American kids beyond our borders and into other cultures. We will all learn a lot.

If you want to support us with your prayers, please do. God is at work and we’re excited to participate in whatever he has in store.

And if you want to financially support the team, click on the following link: which will take you to my church’s e-giving site. Designate the gift as “Other” and type in a description: Chile mission trip, or Jana Dean, Chile mission trip, or however you feel led. (By the way, filling in the requested information on the form will generate the documentation needed to make this a tax-deductible donation.)


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